Oi Oi Saveloy – What is a Saveloy Dip?

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The short answer is a simply delicious northern snack that is perfect for dealing with a hangover. The long answer involves a few more ingredients.

If you’re from Tyne and Wear you’ll already know exactly what I’m talking about. You’d stare in disgrace at anyone who ever asked ‘What is a Saveloy Dip?’ in polite company. Just like the French like to keep the best wine for themselves and Italians don’t import their finest cheese, we like to keep our dip in the North East where they belong.

If you’re from anywhere else in the world, or the UK for that matter, you are about to be educated on the joys of processed sausage served up in a soft stottie and covered in all sorts of warm spread. If you’re as seduced by the thought of it as I am, you’ll be booking your train to the North East quicker than you can sing ‘Pease pudding hot, pease pudding cold.

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Oi Oi Saveloy. Image by .redbubble.com

Getting down to the nitty gritty of it, here’s what you should expect to find in a Saveloy Dip.

To be a true dip, it needs to be served up in a quarter stottie. Other Britons might like to belittle the humble stottie as just a normal bun or bap but they’d be wrong. It’s a great big floury piece of bread that should be about twelve inches across. If you don’t get a whole quarter of a stottie, you’ve been ripped off.

The next ingredient is the saveloys themselves. Some careless dip makers like to leave the skins on but that just won’t do. If your saveloy comes with the skin still on you’re within your rights to throw the whole thing right back over the counter. They’ll learn their lesson.

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Saveloy Dip. Image by twitter.com

You’ll be offered stuffing and pease pudding. They’re not asking if you would like one of the other; say yes to both. Your pease pudding should be hot and the stuffing should be herby. You’ll get a generous dollop of each.

To make this culinary delight into a ‘dip’ the stottie has to be soaked in thick, dark gravy – usually Bisto – then you’re ready to go.

It’s a pretty messy snack to eat, no doubt about it. You’ll have gravy running down your chin and pease pudding oozing out into your hands but that’s half the fun.

To get a decent Saveloy Dip you’ll need to head to a butcher shop. I’d recommend Dickson’s every time. When ever I step off the train after a long time away from the North East I get myself straight there.

Now there’s no more need for you to wonder about the elusive Saveloy Dip.


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