Apple series: What is Apple’s iCloud?

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Most of us have heard the rumors surrounding Apple’s new domain name purchase icloud, but what features will iCloud provide for us Apple users?  The iCloud is reported to be a sort of “digital locker” allowing Apple users to store everything from contacts, emails, calendars and of course music.

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Icloud allows users to store everything – image by

 It is rumored the Apple has already successfully negotiated a deal with two of the four major record label companies in preparation for the release of their new streaming music cloud.  Supposedly Apple will scan your iTunes and then place all your music in the iCloud, they will even replace any low quality tracks with their own high quality tracks, hence the deal with the major record label companies.

Apple will scan your iTunes and then place all your music in the iCloud – image by

So what is gonna cost for the Apple user?  Currently Apple offers the MobileMe service for $99 per year and most likely we will see the iCloud being offered as an extension of the MobileMe service, with a portion of that being released to the record companies.  

It would be great to see iCloud offered as a completely free service to all us Apple users but then again we all know Apple and most if not all services are not free.  But with competitors like Google and Microsoft offering free cloud services Apple better step it up a notch or they are sure to be left behind.  

Read more: What is AppleScript? – National Apple Products

apple icloud storage cost icloud price tag  large
Icloud is not free – image by

If Apple is going to make iCloud work they better do it up right, providing a complete file managment sync throughout all devices being used with no tethering.  Otherwise, we should just call iCloud a revamp on the old .mac and MobileMe.


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