Earth4Energy – What is it?


Did you know that you can save up to 80% off your home energy bill by using your own green electricity?

And no, I’m not talking about buying expensive solar panels or anything like that. The cost to convert to this renewable, safe energy is tiny compared to the immediate savings you’ll see.

You don’t need to buy solar panel to use green electricity – image by

What am I talking about? Home-made power generators.

Earth4Energy‘s purpose is to introduce the world to the limitless possibilities of creating your own solar panels and wind generators from junk parts and household items. With Earth4Energy’s step-by-step guides are so easy that anyone can follow them.

Home-made power generator – image by

How much do you think it would cost to build your own electric solar panels? To buy a set will cost you thousands. With the Earth4Energy kit, you can easily build your own for under $200!

How long will it take? A home-made power generator can be built within just 3 days.

Earth4Energy kit – image by

If you live in a location that gets a lot of direct sunlight then solar panels may be the best choice for you. If in a coastal or windy area you may decide to build a wind turbine. These power generators can assist you to save up to 80% off your electricity bill.

Home-made wind turbine

Not only will you see financial rewards but you will be helping the environment by not using energy sources that produce harmful side-effects.

How much power can you generate? A wind turbine or solar panel can generate 24 kilowatts of power.

Making home-made solar panel – image by

This is an adequate amount of electricity to power a laptop and television. Make your own power and take the bite out of those power bills.


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