What to ask when the new moon is in Capricorn

Capricorn New Moon - image by mysticalraven,com

When looking for the New Moon for every month, you can see the exact date and the moment, as well as the sign in which what is. If we planted the seeds at the moment appropriate, we can indicate the dreams of our heart.

If we planted the seeds at the moment appropriate, we can indicate the dreams of our heart

We are going to know the moment precise and but powerful it stops to request a desire using the magic that is freed during the powerful astrological cycles. Desires not always are fulfilled completely in the cycle of 29 days, but once the seed has been planted, will be reality in the following months. Demonstrated that a desire can be asked up to 48 hours after the exact hour of the New Moon; however, the moment but powerful this within first 8 hours.

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Astrological cycles – image by templesofthemoon.com

Whenever it is possible to you, writes your list of desires within the 8 hours that follow the exact moment of the NEW MOON. When you request a desire, trusts in you. The words that you use in your desire are very important, not its grammar, but the feeling provoked by the form in which each desire this written up.

Writes your list of desires within the 8 hours that follow the exact moment of the NEW MOON

It remembers that your desires will become reality, is important that you are not neglected with respect to which you ask Considers the attributes of each New Moon that you are going to include in your list of desires (up to 10 maximum) with which you feel that you want to work this month.

Next I put the attributes of the moon in Capricorn and some samples What to ask when the moon is in Capricorn Future security Handling of the responsibility To reach goals Success/recognition Directive abilities Figures of authority To leave the tendency to the control.

god prayer meditation universe
When you request a desire, trusts in you – image by myideapark.com

***CAPRICORN GOVERNS THE FUTURE NEEDS, INCLUDING: The time To make sensible decisions The maturity The retirement The third age

Examples of desires to stimulate a preparation for the future:

  • “I want to be responding easily to the process of aging of a way that is for my greater benefit”,
  • “I want that my fear to age disappears completely”,
  • “I want to have a clear thought that it takes to me to make decisions that cause that to me it passes it better than ever during my retirement”
Desire to stimulate a preparation for the future

***CAPRICORN GOVERNS THE RESPONSIBILITY, INCLUDING: The self-discipline The adult behavior To maintain the commitments Competition a The public image

Examples of desires to favor a responsible behavior that leads to the success:

  • “I want to be focusing my relation easily with ………. from an adult position”,
  • “I want to be tolerating easily to me of a way that creates one better public image”,
  • “I want to be accepting the responsibility by my situation easily with ……………… of way like allows to change it favor me”,
  • “I want to be demonstrating that easily I am competent in …………….”
Capricorn Zodiac PIC
Capricorn governs the responsibility – image by themotherhouseofthegoddess.com

***CAPRICORN GOVERNS THE GOALS, INCLUDING: The ambition To define the objectives To take the opportunities The professions Working hard

Examples of desires to help us to reach goals:

  • “I want to see clearly which are the goals that me will make happy it reaches when them”,
  • “I want to have a total clarity when establishing the suitable objectives that take to me to the success in the areas that desire”,
  • “I want to be using the existing opportunities easily to reach my goal of ……….”

***CAPRICORN GOVERNS THE SUCCESS, INCLUDING: The profits, the recognition, the social position, to reach objectives

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Capricorn governs the success – image by themotherhouseofthegoddess.com

Examples of desires to achieve the success:

  • “I want that all my anxiety around the fact to prevail disappears absolutely”,
  • “I want to be easily full of appropriate ideas to be successful in the area of ……………..”,
  • “Desire to think that I can leave ahead by my own effort and be successful in the life! ”,
  • “I want to reach my objective of ………. with facility and sense of authority”,
  • “I want that the suitable ideas are happened to me to secure a successful ascent in the work”

***CAPRICORN GOVERNS THE DIRECTION, INCLUDING: To follow the protocol To delegate responsibilities To be to the control The respect

Capricorn governs the direction – image by dmdcareerconsulting.com

Examples of desires to improve the directive abilities:

  • “I want to be administering my life of a form easily that allows that it has long time for the work, the diversion and the family ”,
  • “I want to be doing position to me successfully of all the areas of my life easily”,
  • “I want that all fears regarding to do position to me dissipate absolutely”

***CAPRICORN GOVERNS THE AUTHORITY, INCLUDING: The parents The heads and other figures of authority The tradition The reputation

Examples of desires to stimulate a fruitful interaction with the authority:

  • “I want to be following the ways easily traditional that they lead to the success”,
  • “I want to be adopting a more formal and respectful approach in the subject easily of ………..”,
  • “I want to be listening the authority of my own one easily to be inner”
Capricorn governs the authority – image by youtube.com

***CAPRICORN ALSO GOVERNS THE EXCESSIVE CONTROL, INCLUDING: The lack of joy Severity The fear to new approaches The pessimism The inflexibility Justifying itself to one same one

Examples of desires to leave the tendency to control:

  • “I want that my compulsive necessity to attribute the merit to me of the things is suppressed”,
  • “I want that all tendency detrimental to control to the others disappears completely in me”,
  • “I want that my custom to justify itself before the others is eliminated absolutely”,
  • “I want that all severity is suppressed easily in me”,
  •  “I want to be seeing the life of a way easily that contributes joy to me”

***IN THE MATTER OF RECOVERY OF THE HEALTH , CAPRICORN PREVAILS: The bones and the joints Arthritis and the rheumatism, the knees, the skin, the psoriasis

Examples of desires to maximize the good health in the areas of the body specifically governed by Capricorn:

  • “I want that a total treatment in the area of my takes place ………. (zone of the body governed by Capricorn)”,
  • “I want to attract and to recognize the healers adapted for me easily and to begin to work with them to heal my ……… (zone of the body governed by Capricorn) and to secure a perfect health”
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New Moon in Capricorn – image by lovetoknow.com


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