What is Good About the Pembroke Welsh Corgi?

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Being the smallest of the herding breed, the Corgi is a loving and intelligent dog. Ranked 11th smartest dog breed in The Intelligence of Dogs by Stanley Coren, the Corgi breed is easily trained and an excellent pet for first time dog owners.

The Intelligence of Dogs by D. Stanley Coren – image by ualberta.ca

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a healthy dog bread. Hearty and stocky, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi life span averages at 15 years. The only health problems these dogs are prone to is spinal issues caused by the length of the dog’s body, although this is not normally an issue if the dog is fit and at a proper weight.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi life span averages at 15 years – image by wilipedia.com

Corgi Care

The fur coat on the Corgi is thick and can require some brushing.

The fur coat on the Corgi is thick and can require some brushing

However, this also allows the dogs to be very versatile in different climates. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has no tail and large ears with excellent hearing and a nose that is designed for a good sense of smell.

Corgi Activity

Being the smallest of the herding bread, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a very active dog. Most veterinarians will recommend about 30 minutes of high activity and 30 minutes of walking a day. Corgis are very quick learners and love to be challenged mentally, making it a good idea to provide challenging tasks and games for Corgis to partake in.

best dog names corgi
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a very active dog – image by dogtime.com

If you are interested in a Corgi for herding reasons, you may not need to worry about it’s activity, Corgis are excellent for herding cattle in smaller areas. A cow’s hooves go over the head of the Corgi making it hard for them to get kicked. Corgis snap at the heels of cattle to move them, and if faced one on one with a steer it will bite the cow’s nose. Corgis love outdoor activity.

pembroke welsh corgis playing fetch
Corgis love outdoor activity – image by browniebites.com

Dogs Like Them

Other dog breeds get along with the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and they with them, in general (a Husky and a Corgi together are different than a Lab and a Corgi). They are very playful and competitive which makes the Pembroke Welsh Corgi good for AKC activities and competitions.

What is Good About the Pembroke Welsh Corgi?
“a big dog in a small body” – image by time.com

Regardless of your needs if you have the energy and the time and the love, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi can be an amazing breed for you. They are natural guard dogs, being prone to bark, and natural explorers. Although they have a curiosity and love for life, their size may not show it. They are very short and in the small dog category but very spirited often being called “a big dog in a small body.”


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